7th International Scientific Conference
18th - 20th of July 2024 Split
Contemporary Kinesiology: Active Lifestyle Proceedings Book
You can download 2024 proceedings book here

Welcome note
Dear colleagues and friends
We are pleased to announce the 7th International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Kinesiology: Active Lifestyle”, which will be held from July 18–20, 2024 in organization by Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Split, Croatia. This year’s conference is of particular importance because it is part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the University of Split, as well as the celebration of 70 years of kinesiology in the city of Split. Although the Faculty of Kinesiology was established in 2008, making it one of the youngest components of the University of Split, the study of kinesiology in Split has a long tradition. Institutional higher education for kinesiology teachers in Split has been ongoing since the academic year 1953/1954, when the study of Physical Culture was part of the Higher Pedagogical School, or the Pedagogical Academy, and later as the Institute for Kinesiology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education at the University of Split.

Host city
Split, Croatia
Split is the second-largest city of Croatia and the largest city of the region of Dalmatia, with about 200,000 people living in its urban area.
Split is the second-largest city of Croatia and the largest city of the region of Dalmatia, with about 200,000 people living in its urban area. It lies on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea in the Mediterranean area, and is spread over a central peninsula and its surroundings. Split is historical city established in Roman empire period and it is 1700 years old. Also, Split is “the sporting capital of Croatia“, with the 76 Olympic medal winners, World and European champions in basketball, tennis, athletics, football, swimming, rowing, water polo and taekwondo.
Host Institution
University of Split, Croatia
The University of Split was officially established on 15 June 1974 when the units having already had an effect in their professional, scientific and teaching areas entered its structure. As a predominant scientific and teaching public institution in the region the University of Split has expanded during the course of the past 50 years to include eleven Faculties, one Academy of Arts and four University Departments. There are about 20,000 students enrolled in the University’s undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate programs. The focus of the research work carried out by the University is on scientific areas with reference to disciplines characterized by natural, biomedical, cultural, historical, social, economic and other features of the region as a part of the Croatian Adriatic and the Mediterranean region as a whole.
Faculty of Kinesiology
Faculty of Kinesiology University of Split was established on 4 July 2008 and it is the youngest constituent of the University of Split. The first dean of the Faculty of Kinesiology was Full Professor Nikola Rausavljević, PhD. The study of kinesiology has a long tradition itself. Institutional activity of the current faculty dates back to academic year 1954 when this study was a part of College of Education, Academy of Education, and later as a part of the University of Split, Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar – BOAL (Basic Organisation of the Associated Labour) Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences and Education, and also as a part of the University of Split Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences and Education. Endeavours of the staff from the Department of Kinesiology in the last decade, and particularly during adjustment of higher education institutions to the Bologna Process, along with the ever growing number of young scientists and with the support of professional and scientific community, resulted in establishment of the study of kinesiology as an individual constituent of the University of Split.