
Type of presentation

Presentation format

Presenters (= first authors) must be registered and have paid registration fees for the conference at the latest by submission deadline to guarantee publication of the Abstract/Full-Text in the proceeding of the Congress. Later registrations will lead to an exclusion of the Abstract/Full-text and an exclusion from the scientific program.

Each author is entitled to present at most one Abstract/Full-Text (An author may submit only one Abstract/Full-Text as the first author and two Abstracts/Full-Text as the co-author).

Invited presentation

Invited presentations are presented by invited speakers in PowerPoint format. Invited presentations are 45 minutes with 10 minutes Questions and Answers. Invited presentations must be pre-uploaded in the Speakers Ready Room one hour in advance of their presentation. The use of your own laptop is not permitted, while the use of your own USB is permitted. Abstracts need to be submitted according to the congress standards of the and within the given abstract submission deadline.

Oral presentation

Oral presentation format is PowerPoint. Oral presentation time will be 7 minutes plus 3 minutes of discussion. Oral presentations must be pre-uploaded in the Speakers Ready Room one hour in advance of their presentation. The use of your own laptop is not permitted, while the use of your own USB is permitted.

Poster presentation

Poster presentation (not debated) presentation format requires printed posters in following format: portrait (vertical) with dimensions of A1 format (594mm x 841mm). Abstracts accepted in this format will be published in the proceeding of the Congress too.