Doctoral school
Doctoral school at conference
The objective of the Doctoral School is to facilitate the advancement of doctoral candidates towards earning their Ph.D. degrees in sports science fields. This school offers a structured curriculum that includes both a research seminar aimed at deepening students’ subject-specific knowledge and research capabilities and a generic skills program designed to enhance a broad set of competencies useful in academia and beyond.
TITLE: “Research methods in sport and exercise sciences – part 2”, lasting 10 working hours (5 ECTS)
LECTURERS: dr. Šime Veršić, dr. Toni Modrić, dr. Barbara Gilić Škugor
FEE: 75.00 EUR
Recipient: University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology, N. Tesle 6, 21000 Split
IBAN: HR4124070001100643571
SWIFT (for international payments): OTPVHR2X
Recipient’s reference number: 00 2024
Payment description: Fee for participation in the doctoral school, NAME and SURNAME of the participant
The payment confirmation should be sent to or delivered in person/by mail (Faculty of Kinesiology in Split, N. Tesle 6, 21000 Split).
Applications for the doctoral school are open.
Time table:
Friday 19th 17:00 – 20:00
Saturday 20th 17:00 – 20:00